The basic principle of the procedure is the exemption from customs duties and VAT products from third countries into the Community customs territory, which after undergoing one or more processing, re-exported as compensating products in third countries. The processing term lay down any manufacturing activity, from simple repacking products as the most complex manufacturing activity.
The procedure allows the beneficiaries to benefit from lower labor costs, which may exist outside the European Union, and encourages the use of Community raw materials for the manufacture of finished products. Also under the provisions of the standard exchange system provided the opportunity to return to a third country of a product in order to repair or replace it with another (replacement product under warranty).
Bonded warehousing is a customs procedure which may be applied to imported goods, and consists of placing the goods in warehouses approved by the Customs Service as the repository of HERMES GE SA, where they may remain indefinitely suspended payment of duty and taxes.
Then you can give your products that you want to go.
Introduction to the domestic market, export to EU or third country, etc.
The Carnet ATA is an international customs document and security title simultaneously, which used to trade in goods between the Community and third countries, irrespective of the means of transport used, to facilitate the crossing of borders for customs and temporary import-eve you state without payment of the customs and tax burden ratio.